

Little Superheroes

Inspired after our domestic accident, we have created this association to help burned children and their families, to move on and get back to the daily tasks of their lives; we also want to promote prevention and help to avoid these accidents from occurring.
Experience has shown us children are strong and brave, real Little superheroes able to overcome any difficulty and to teach us lessons even when they are struggling. 

Are you a Parent of a "little superhero"?

We understand what you are going through. If you need support or if you just want to tell us your story, do not hesitate to contact us! 
Getting back to “normal” life is hard, but we have learned that educational workshops taught at the child’s school about burn injuries and prevention, help to a better adaptation with classmates and teachers. 
 Check the “Ana María” section if you want to know more about her evolution.
See my story
Most burn accidents can be easily prevented,  80% occur in the kitchen or in the bathroom. 
If people knew how complicated and long the skin recovery process was, there would definitely be, more prevention done.
The worldwide health organization confirms that burns are the third cause of death by accident in the world and 11% death cause in children.

"Each year more than 11.000.000 people get burned in the world"

Each year more than 1.000.000 people get burned in the USA, roughly 450.000 patients receive hospital treatment. Around 50% of the patients are children under age 17.
Little Superheroes - Child Burn Survivors  - logo
What’s our goal?
What are we doing?
We work on creating awareness about burn hazards and promoting prevention through talks and workshops for adults and children, raising awareness by sharing our story, and using campaigns on social networks.
We organize workshops to talk about domestic accidents at schools, sharing the risks and the consequences, listening to the children’s point of view and creating empathy towards others who had suffered accidents; this way we help the recovering burned child feel better around their classmates and teachers. 

"Child burn survivor"

Join our cause!

Donations are used to finance prevention campaigns and to help with child burn survivors’ treatment. 

We contribute by financing the skin treatment of children with limited resources, burns recovery is long, and not all expenses are covered by insurance.

“Little Superheroes” is a non-profit association under the 1901 French law.


Vanessa Cruz

Vanessa Cruz

Founder and Mom of a “Little Superhero”
Carlos Giraut

Carlos Giraut

Co-Founder and Dad of a “Little Superhero”


“I think it's very useful and admirable what you're doing because you're turning this painful accident for your family, into an experience that can and will help many other parents and burned children.” 

Vilma Dule – Burn survivor.

“Children are just like sponges, they absorb all the information and then they share it at home with their parents”

Adriana Cruz – Mom & workshop participant

“A painful story that today is transformed into a fight to prevent and help others... It is very important to explain: what to do and what not to do. The road is still long but hope and faith are there...” 

Johanne Groll – Mom & workshop participant

“My congratulations to Vanessa, Carlos, and Lucía for the wonderful job they have done and will continue to do with Ana María. You are an example for many families, count on our support "

Lis Grau – Mom & workshop participant

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